After a bumpy start (literally, the first bike I took out had a flat tire and I made a wrong turn onto the very unbike-friendly Champs-Elysees and had to bump my way tout-suite over to another bike station to switch) it was exhilarating, and I am now a new woman.
I rode down to Invalides for a picnic with Ryan. We hung out on the open lawn for a bit then headed to Les Jardins Luxembourg ensemble.
There we were greeted by a carpet of beautiful healthy happy people picnicing, sitting, kissing, reading, laughing, and living.
Ryan and I plopped ourselves down on the beautiful people carpet and just hung out for a couple hours reading and people watching. When we got up the sun was setting but there were still people everywhere. It was a "C'est la Vie!" day. Not in the apathetic negative connotation, but rather the positive affirmative. This is the life.
Today I am going out again for a picnic at Trocadero (Eiffle Tower) with a dish inspired by my recent trip to Sicily. Fennel, blood orange, heirloom tomatoes, olive oil, and lemon salad. One of my favorite recipes from La Cucina de Mimi!
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