Well I have big surprising news! Most of those things have actually really truly happened! Specifically the one about waking up every morning like the opening scene of Moulin Rouge in a baby turret apartment.
I have been living on the 6th floor of an old building on Ave de Friedland but my original apartment faced the interior of the building. My lovely neighbor decided she was over Paris and needed to move back to Rome so I have moved one door down from my apartment into hers and here is the grand tour!
Other things on the list that have happened:
I have had the Amelie soundtrack emanate through the city- I play it sometimes when I run... and I wake up to it in the morning.. and I hum it in my sleep..
I did find a Louis Vuitton suitcase at a vintage market.. but it was closer to a million euro than 40

I did have a brief and imaginary love affair with a really beautiful parisian man who lived above me.. and by love affair I mean.. my land lord told me to use the parisian upstairs' shower when mine was broken and after we chatted in French over a glass of wine and watched a Wes Anderson movie dubbed in French and then said good night and never heard from him again.. until I bumped into him on the stairwell and he introduced me to his girlfriend. On Valentine's day. C'est la Vie!
This wasn't on the original list, but it's something that I've always wanted to happen.. to find a really cool peice of original and authentic street art for relatively cheap and by an interesting artist.. Today I was walking past a metro stop and a poster taped to the stop caught my eye. I back tracked and saw that it was infact an original ink and water color signed by the artist "liox" (www.lioxart.com) so I looked over my left shoulder, looked over my right shoulder saw that no one was really looking and snagged the piece off the pole and kidnapped it back to my apartment. Turns out that is exactly what the artist wants you to do.. take his art for free.

Unfortunately I have not maintained a perfect figure on the diet of bread, cheese, and wine.. but F it. I will continue to eat bread and cheese and all that good stuff.. I can torture myself with a diet when i get back to Nyc.
Other things to mention:
I traveled to Berlin last weekend and had an AMAZING time. I will write a separate post about that.
My dad and step-mom just arrived today from NYC and I had a lovely day walking around with them.
Friday is my 21st birthday and we are going to Versailles with a few of my friends for a picnic and tour of the gardens and palace. :)
yay that's all you get for now!
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