NYU's campus is adorable. It is on the Rue du Passy which is a very quaint part of Paris in the 16th arrondisement. There are a lot of small boutiques, boulangeries, cafes, creperies on the street. You enter the campus through two large cornflower blue wooden doors and through a cobblestone driveway that opens up into a large court yard. In the court yard is the main NYU building that has it's own garden and courtyard, the other buildings in the courtyard are apartment buildings. AH it's so cute. I want to stay for ever.
My two friends Ryan and Tom.
This is the main building where my classes are held!
After a little orientation I walked around the neighborhood with some friends.
Croissant intake count: 2
That night we decided to go out in La Marias, the gay district of Paris because my friend Ryan is gay and wanted to scope it out. We had dinner and some wine all all started to get a bit sleepy so we decided to call it a night and save our partying energy for when we are more acclimated to the city. As we were leaving, I slipped on something on the sidewalk. My trip and the fact that we were speaking in English caught the attention of a Parisian Girl and her gay roommate who were standing by, she immediately came up to us and started talking to us and praising our " cute american accents" She was rather drunk but a really nice, she invited us out for drinks. So I spoke with her in french for the next 2 hours at a bar and my friend Ryan talked to her gay roommate who had such a good english accent that we thought he was from London. I was really surprised that I could keep up with what she was saying.
We were all commenting on how we can all understand each other and there are some phrases in french that have been completely replaced by American sayings in the younger generation "Let's go" for instance has replaced "Allons-y" . Leon ( the girl) said something like " This generation all speaks this new language that is a mix of everything" I thought that was really interesting.
I got Leon's number and we are going to hang out again soon. They invited us over for dinner at their apartment.
Yesterday: Thursday January 12th
I met my neighbor. She is a Milanese girl abour 25 years old who lives in the Chambre des Bonnes next to mine ( the one that has the view of the l'Arc de Triomphe) She is VERY nice and I am about to have a drink with her. She works here at Christian Louboutin and studies French. We speak in French even though she can speak very good English. She also runs so we are going to start jogging together!
I solidified a really great group of friends with two gay guys in the program, Ryan and Tom... as shown above. Tom is the Australian I met on the first day who is in the first graduating class at NYU Abu Dhabi. and Ryan is a Tisch actor who I knew before, who actually acted in one of my films last year.
We ate a leisurely lunch in a creperie and then later ate a dinner of baguette, cheese, and wine.
Croissant Consumption count: 4
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